I'm giving you a ten second head start, Patrick Dempsey. Then I'm releasing the dogs.

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Plan of Attack

Tonight I will watch the most recent episode of Grey's Anatomy with my mother, an avowed Grey's Anatomy fan. I'm expecting several tense moments during this viewing, capped off with a big fight over something I plan on not being able to keep from saying during the montage that will almost certainly cap off the fourth act.

I will blog the carnage for you, my loyal readers. That way you do not have to think for yourselves about how you feel about this episode or about my relationship with my mother, as it will be laid out for you in blog form.

In conclusion, Patrick Dempsey was the guy in Outbreak who served as patient zero for the killer monkey disease. Joel pointed this out to me last night, and it has quickly become the defining fact of my existence.

1 comment:

Katherine said...

you should update... how else will i know whether you said any scathing things while watching the episode?

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Brooklyn, New York, United States